xyz wood routers and Software and Accessories


New USB Controller upgrade available for Ultra Fast computers

Problem : We have found Newer i5 and i7 gen 4500+ computers running Win10 and Win11 seem to have a problem with connecting with the V1 Starcnc USB firmware . We have Fixed this problem with a new V2.0 firmware update . Email me with your contact and for Info about the fix, and then you can remove the StarCNC board and send it back to Larken and i will upgrade and reFlash the firmware . The problem applies to any USB board sold before Nov /2023 . On slower computers there doesn't seem to be a problem.

The new firmware Upgrade is version 2.0 or greater . If your is version less than version 2 (eg 1.9) then it needs to be reprogrammed to Version 2 . Use Starcnc to read the version with the controllers power off .



To remove the Starcnc controller. First disconnect power cord and take the lid off the control box. Take a picture of inside the control box and the usb board and connectors before removing.

All wires and cables are on plugs , DO NOT CUT ANY WIRES !!

Remove the (2) 3/16" Jackbolts on the D 15 pin connector ( outside of controller ) and the 4-40 nuts on the standoff at the back end of the board. Carfully remove the board.




xyz wood routers and Software and Accessories
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